Rabu, 17 Februari 2016

Total Quality Management TQM at Honda


·                     Definition of  TQM
An integrated effort designed to improve quality performance at every level of the organization.

·                     What’s the goal of TQM?
“Do the right things right the first time, every time.”
·                     Elements  of  TQM ..(1)
   Top management vision, planning and support.
       Employee involvement
   All employees assume responsibility for the quality of their work.
       Product/Process Excellence
   Involves the process for continuous improvement.

·                     Elements of TQM ..(2)
        Continuous Improvement
    A concept that recognizes that quality improvement is a journey with no end and that there is a need for continually looking for new approaches for improving quality.
        Customer Focus on “Fitness for Use”
    Design quality
     Specific characteristics of a product that determine its value in the marketplace.
    Conformance quality
     The degree to which a product meets its design specifications.

·                     Manfaat  TQM

·                     Langkah-Langkah TQM
    Komitmen CEO/Pimpinan
    Diklat untuk Top Management
    Membentuk Steering Committee
    Menetapkan visi, misi dan  prinsip-prinsip
    Buat diagram alir proses-proses di perusahaan
    Fokus pada konsumen eksternal dan lakukan survey
    Anggap karyawan sebagai pelanggan internal
    Buat program pelatihan mutu untuk karyawan
    Bentuk Tim Perbaikan Mutu
    Implementasi proses perbaikan
    Gunakan alat – alat TQM

·                     Perkembangan TQM
Gootsch & Davids
Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award
ISO 9000 dan 14000

·                     Metode  TQM

·                     DEMING CYCLE
     The Deming cycle, or PDSA cycle, is a continuous quality improvement model consisting of a logical sequence of four repetitive steps for continuous improvement and learning: Plan, Do, Study (Check) and Act.

      The PDCA cycle is also known as the Deming Cycle, or as the Deming Wheel or as the Continuous Improvement Spiral.

·                     JURAN’S  TRILOGY
       an approach to cross-functional management, which is composed of three managerial processes: quality planning, quality control and quality improvement. Without change, there will be a constant waste, during change there will be increased costs, but after the improvement, margins will be higher and the increased costs get recouped.
·                     Metode Josep M. Juran

        Juran’s three basic steps to progress

   Mencapai perbaikan terstruktur atas dasar kesinambungan

   Mengadakan program pelatihan secara luas

   Membentuk komitmen dan kepemimpinan pada
   tingkat  manajemen yang lebih tinggi

·                     Metode Philip B. Crosby

Dalil Manajemen Mutu
    Definisi mutu adalah sama dengan persyaratan
    Sistem mutu adalah pencegahan
    Kerusakan nol ( zero defect ) merupakan standar kinerja yang harus digunakan
    Ukuran mutu adalah price of nonconformance

·                     Crosby’s quality vaccine

    Determinasi : Sikap manajemen untuk tidak menerima proses, produk, jasa yg tidak memenuhi persyaratan, seperti reject, scrap, wrong shipment

·                     Seven Tools  for TQM
          Scatter Diagrams: Plot data on a chart – no attempt is made to classify the data or massage it
          Pareto Charts: Organize data on a histogram based on frequency from most prevalent to least. Help identify major causes or occurrences (80:20 rule)
          Check Sheets: Easy way to count frequency of occurrence by front line workers
          Histograms: Categorize data is cells and plot (see if any patterns emerge)
          Run Charts: Plot data as a function of time
          Cause and effects Charts: fishbone diagrams are used to identify the root causes of a problem
          Control Charts: are statistical tools used to determine if the variation in results is caused by common or special events

·                     Implementing TQM
   Successful Implementation of TQM
Requires total integration of TQM into day-to-day operations.

   Causes of TQM Implementation Failures
Lack of focus on strategic planning and core competencies.
Obsolete, outdated organizational cultures.

     Obstacles to Implementing TQM
    Lack of a company-wide definition of quality.
    Lack of a formalized strategic plan for change.
    Lack of a customer focus.
    Poor inter-organizational communication.
    Lack of real employee empowerment.
    Lack of employee trust in senior management.
    View of the quality program as a quick fix.
    Drive for short-term financial results.
    Politics and turf issues.
         STUDY CASE
                Latar Belakang
*Honda Motor Company, Ltd adalah perusahaan Publik Jepang yang dikenal sebagai perusahaan manufaktur penghasil Mobil dan Motor
*Honda dikenal sebagai pembuat Motor sejak 1959 dan juga dikenal sebagai penghasil terbesar mesin combustion
* Honda melampaui Nissan pada 2001  dan menjadi nomor dua penghasil terbesar industri mobil di Jepang.
*Honda saat ini adalah penghasil mobil nomor enam di dunia.
*Honda meraih nomor satu produksi mobil masal yang terjual di USA (Amerika Serikat)

                Informasi Perusahaan
*Revenue: US$ 107.82 billion (2011)
*Operating income: US$ 6.87 billion (2011)
*Net income: US$ 6.44 billion (2011)
*Total assets: US$ 139.61 billion (2011)
*Total equity: US$ 53.69 billion (2011)
*Employees:179,060 (2011)
*Subsidiaries: Acura, Honda Aircraft Company

                Jenis Produk
*Scooters ,
* Electrical Generators,
* Water pumps,
*Lawn and Garden Equipments ,
* Tillers,
*Outboard motors,
*Jet Engines,
*Thin-film solar cells

                Kebijakan Perusahaan
    Honda works to ensure that the products and services result in 3 joys:
* Joy for people who buy them.
* Joy for those who sell them and
* Joy for people who produce them.

                Quality Objective
    Maintain an international viewpoint , we are dedicated to supplying products of the highest efficiency yet at a reasonable price for worldwide customer satisfaction.
                Honda’s Quality Cycle
                Quality Enhancement System
                TQM  Methodology
                PDCA Cycle
          Quality Management Education
          Quality Management Education
                 CASE SUMMARY....(1)
                 CASE SUMMARY....(2)
                 CASE SUMMARY....(3)


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